Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Can we find an answer to this question?


  1. Milly and I have been finding out about the black dots. They are spores which new fern plants will grow from. If you put the leaves in envelopes you can collect the spores and grow new fern plants. They take a long time to grow though. If you want, I will bring in some more fern leaves and pots of soil and we could try to grow ferns. You will have to be patient though as they take a few months to grow.

    1. Yes, yes, yes!! But Daniel doesn't know if he can wait that long!! However, there are plenty of other Fantastic Ferns that are willing to give it a go.
      Please let us know when you can bring in the ferns to start our baby ferns growing.
      Thank you sooooooo much.

  2. I could come in on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday after lunch next week if that suits you busy Ferns. Let me know which fits best with you all.

  3. Would next Thursday the 5th suit for you? We would love you to help us learn more about how ferns grow.
