Tuesday, 31 March 2015

The moment of truth!!

Some even still thought the 'special tasting' water actually did come out of the tap!!

And this is how we found out the trick!

We used our mystery code to work out the trick on us!

April Fools!

Mr Turrell showed us how the new water filtering system was going to make our water taste the absolute best and he wanted us to taste test it!

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So Mrs Turnbull filled up a 'special' flask and we each got to have a sip!
It was amazing because it tasted like juice!  Thank you so much Mr Turrell for fixing our water. 

We are going to fill our water bottles up at morning break and we will also tell our friends how good the water tastes.

More photo's to follow...

Monday, 30 March 2015

Look what we have published!!!

We are so excited to be sharing our Mr Fox retells with our families. Watch out for them coming home on Thursday!!

Using tally marks to collect information

This is the data we collected about what fruit we have in our lunch boxes today.
And guess what? We were nearly right. Apples and bananas were the most common fruit in room 4's lunches.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Guess who got 30/30 for list 3 spelling?

Well done Oliver. All your hard work learning these tricky has paid off! Keep dreaming big!!!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Look at all our achievers!

Well done on filling your fern charts up for the first time. The 'Goodies Bag' will need refilling soon!

A group of thinkers!

Daniel, Sophie and Alfie spent the morning at a 'thinker's' Workshop. They used 6 coloured thinking hats to help them learn about lens. Then they used the iPad lens to take photos.  The best part was taking the photos at the park.

Mr Fox stories

Lots of group work helping to retell this great class story!

Mystery Codes

Frinz and Meg taught everyone how to use a number code to crack a message. Can you finish the message for us?

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

We won!

We are very happy because the Black Caps won the semi-final! We will celebrate by sharing the pineapple lumps that Frintz brought to class.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Group writing

We are writing our Mr Fox retells as a group and sharing our ideas together.

More shared reading

Thanks Frinz and Hayley for preparing your story so well to read to the class.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Oliver, Alfie,Milly and Daniel Assembly presentation

Well done Blue Bookworms on your Big Egg Challenge! 
Your ideas for creating a parachute from a supermarket bag, string, cellotape and one piece of paper showed lots of thought, effort and perseverance.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Ruby shares her library book

Ruby read her library book about Henry the Goat. Great reading Ruby!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Fiona's brought a mystery object to class.

We used our imagination to think up other ways of looking at this strange object. What do you think of our writing?

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Cover up kiwi

This is one of our favourite maths warm up games. We use adding and subtracting to cover a kiwi up.

Starting our Fantastic Mr Fox re tells.

We practised putting in full stops and capitals on the start of Milly's story.

Monday, 16 March 2015


 Click the extra large word Kiwiana to watch our video!  Thanks again to all those parents who were such willing 'slaves' last Thursday.           Kiwiana 

Friday, 13 March 2015

Kiwiana trip sneak peak

Great trip, brilliant Fantastic Ferns, awesome parents, amazing artwork. Well done everyone! 

There will be more  photos about our art trip to the Southland Museum coming soon!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Special plasters!

We are going to be extra safe with these Sticking  Plasters and know we are going to help sell these to keep lots of people safe!

Book sharing

We are preparing our favourite books to share with our class.

Kick the can kicks off!!

Jamie's mum taught us this game because she played it back in Scotland as a kid.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Using Maori to learn our teen numbers.

Keep watching how we can learn teen numbers in a fun way!

Special name

Would you believe it? Millie's brother got his name from a Road sign - Fletcher Road.

Funtastic Athletics Day!

Celebrating a great day of being Limehills Rippers, helped as usual, by the amazing support of our parents.

Thanks everyone!!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Another goodies bag champion!

Well done Milly on being the third Fantastic Fern to look in the goodies bag. Who will be next?

Catching spores!

Milly's mum came in yesterday and brought heaps of fern leaves. We put some in an envelope and will wait til next week to collect the spores for planting! Thanks Ms Coward for teaching us.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Those jolly letters b and d!

This we song is helping us remember which way round these letters go. Help us at home by practising it.

Goodies Bag number 2!

Well done Sophie!!

Finding the Sh sound

Top work Sophie and Jamie. What great sound hounds you both are!


Tayla dropped into class to ask us about going mushrooming! You can read all about  what she found out in this week's newsletter.

Where did our names come from?

Yellow Book Worms were wondering how they got their names? We need our families to help us find out. Were we called after someone? A grandparent?