Thursday, 27 November 2014

Planting some sunshine!

We hope these marigolds will shine for us since the sun isn't.

Mission accomplished

We are feeling pretty happy with our special tepee project. Big thanks to the adult helpers we had today that worked through the rain to get it built.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Very special visit by Granny Oakley.

Danny was extra proud when his granny gave us a talk about the soil conservation his great grandad was famous for. He did lots of work around the world helping people have better lives by teaching them to look after their soil. One of the country's he helped was in Africa not far from Charlie's country.

Supercross visited today!

Lucky us learning about the sport that Lukas and Tarquin are competing in. One day they might be talking to our school about this sport!

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Awesome algebra

These Kauri Kids are showing their skills in algebra. Being able to find the pattern of repeat can be tricky!!

Books that are hot property!

Geronimo Stilton is such a good read that the only way to read it is over someone's shoulder!!!

Friday, 21 November 2014

Monday, 17 November 2014

Our special Enviroschools' visitor - Mark Oster.

What really is under this cover? Is it a dangerous thing?
This ball represents the water we have all around . We catch the ball with our hands shaped like a bowl. This is like a catchment which is like a bowl shaped piece of land. We also learnt that water always travels down!
We watched how even dirty water travels down to the sea through drains, streams and rivers.

Homework sharing already.